When to Consider Urgent Care

While all of our attention might be focused on flu season and COVID-19 right now, this doesn’t mean that accidents and other illnesses have taken a time out. From cutting yourself while chopping vegetables to spraining your ankle slipping on a patch of ice, you still need the right urgent care team in your corner to look after your health care needs.
At Forest Urgent Care, we have such a team, and our goal is to ensure that people in our communities have access to the urgent care they need.
Here’s a look at just a few of the many scenarios when you should seek urgent care.
Colds, flus, and other respiratory infections
Every year we face the flu, but this year is vastly different as we add COVID-19 to the mix. If you experience any of the symptoms below, we urge you to contact us immediately:
- Cough
- Fever
- Difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Sore throat
- Nasal congestion
These symptoms are shared among COVID-19, the flu, and the common cold, so it's important that we figure out what’s behind your illness through testing. For the full list of COVID-19 symptoms, click here.
When a cut needs care
Cuts and scrapes are part of everyday life, especially if you have children, but there are times when you should have us stitch up the wound. Some good rules of thumb are cuts that are more than a half-inch long or cuts that are deep enough where you can see internal tissues, such as fat or muscle.
When it comes to bleeding, if your wound is bleeding profusely, get to an emergency center or call 911. If the bleeding is slower and can be stopped with pressure, you can come see us for a closer look.
Twisting your ankle
Every day in the United States, 28,000 people sprain an ankle. If you twist your ankle, you should immediately put the RICE method into practice, which stands for:
- Rest
- Icing
- Compression
- Elevation
If your ankle is still swollen and painful after 24 hours of the RICE technique, we recommend that you have us take a look. Untreated sprained ankles can lead to long-term problems with early onset of arthritis and ankle instability.
Please note that if your ankle is very painful and you can’t place any weight on it, you should come in right away so we can determine whether there’s something larger at play, such as a fracture.
Stomach upset
Most of us encounter a stomach upset from time to time, and it usually resolves itself after a day or two. If you or a loved one is experiencing nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea for more than two days, you should pay us a visit. These issues can lead to dehydration, not to mention great discomfort, and we can help.
A fever is your body’s way of fighting off infection, and it’s perfectly normal. In most cases, the fever passes and your health is restored. There are times, however, when you should seek urgent care for a persistent or unusually high fever.
For example, adults who run a fever of 103℉ or higher should contact us. For infants, these numbers are lower:
- 100.4℉ for infants under 3 months
- 102℉ for infants 3-6 months
- 102℉ for more than a day in infants and toddlers 6-24 months
For children over the age of 2 years, you should seek our help for any fever over 103℉ or a fever that persists for more than 2-3 days.
The above scenarios are only examples of when you might need urgent care. Ultimately, you are the best judge, and if you have any questions, please contact one of our two New York clinics in Forest Hills or Hunters Point, Long Island City. We also offer telehealth services so that you can receive care from the comfort of your home.
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