Blog Archive
The United States contains almost 4 million miles of roadways, but the interstate highway system only makes up about 1.2% of this total. This means that the nearly 1.25 million drivers who have commercial drivers’ licenses (CDLs) are mostly concentrated onto these larger arteries that criss-cross our country. To keep...
You’ve recently engaged in sexual activity that you suspect might place you at risk for developing a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Or, maybe you’ve just learned that the person whom you had sex with has an STI. Whatever the case, you're concerned for your health, and you’re wondering whether you...
Burns, especially among exploring kids, aren’t exactly uncommon — about half a million Americans go to the ER for burn injuries each year. And 300 kids get emergency care for burns every day in the United States. Whether you’re dealing with a child who experimented with boiling water or an...
There are nearly 140 million visits to emergency rooms in the United States each year, and 40 million of these visits are for injuries. If you’re dealing with your own injury or someone in your family has hurt themselves, you want to know whether you should join these numbers and...
As summer and fall wind down and temperatures take a turn into chillier winter ranges, New Yorkers tend to spend more indoors and less time in the park. And when people gather in small, confined spaces, the conditions are ripe for spreading infectious respiratory viruses, such as colds, flus, COVID-19,...
You or a loved one is doubled over with abdominal pain and cramping, and these symptoms are only made worse by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that’s keeping you chained to the bathroom. This type of sudden and severe gastrointestinal (GI) upset is not uncommon and typically boils down to one...
Each year in the United States, more than 800,000 people apply to become Lawful Permanent Residents, which entails getting a green card. The good news is that 88% of these applicants are successful and we want you to be successful, too. One of the most important steps in your green...
Most everyone has had a fever at least once in their lives, if not dozens of times. Fevers are not necessarily a bad thing — when your body temperature goes up, it usually means your immune system is launching a counterattack to a health threat. There are times, however, when...
Going on vacation is always an exciting prospect. With COVID-19 travel restrictions lifted around the world, international travel is back and bigger than ever. If you’re traveling to certain countries, you might need different vaccines or medications than in America, or you might need to update previous vaccines and medications....
Some of the best tools we have for monitoring your health are targeted blood tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC) and a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). At Forest Urgent Care, our team appreciates how important these tests can be for monitoring your health. To give you an idea...
Not only do the temperatures typically soar in August here in New York City, the asphalt and concrete jungle we live in tends to retain the heat, making things even hotter. As a result, people can fall prey to heat-related illnesses if they’re not careful, which is why we’re focusing...
When you think of ticks, perhaps you envision wooded areas or fields of grass, but certainly not the concrete jungle we live in. The fact is that there are several species of ticks that carry diseases in the Northeast, and they can, and do, infiltrate cities. Not to mention, if...
There are many steps you need to take to legalize your American Dream, and one of the most important is your immigration exam, which is also known as the Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record (form I-693). In order to complete this exam, the United States Citizenship and Immigration...
As we round the corner on the pandemic thanks to increasing herd immunity, Americans are looking forward to traveling again. If you find yourself revisiting your travel plans, now more than ever, we urge you to take precautionary measures before you go through our travel medication services. From vaccinations to...
As spring approaches, you dread the wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing that always seem to come this time of year. The odds are good that these symptoms are related to allergies, asthma, or both. At Forest Urgent Care, our team of medical experts has extensive experience helping patients weather breathing...
If one thing has been made very clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of a healthy immune system. While vaccinations will go a long way toward providing the defenses you need, let’s remember that these vaccines are designed to work with your body’s natural defenses. While we wait...
From quickly identifying strep throat to determining whether you’ll be adding to your family, lab testing is one of the most important services we offer as medical providers. Blood tests, urinalyses, and swabs are all part of our frontline diagnostic care. These lab tests allow us to quickly identify a...
You eat something that doesn’t agree with you, and while your stomach objects for a few hours, the problem eventually passes. Conversely, you routinely struggle with digestive problems and you don’t know why. In either case, you have gastrointestinal distress, and determining whether there’s cause for concern can be tricky....
While all of our attention might be focused on flu season and COVID-19 right now, this doesn’t mean that accidents and other illnesses have taken a time out. From cutting yourself while chopping vegetables to spraining your ankle slipping on a patch of ice, you still need the right urgent...
The free Covid testing only occurs at a test site run or supported by New York State. In those facilities, there is never any charge for your test. However, not all private medical office testing is covered by NYS and it will go through your insurance benefit for medical office...
As our nation struggles to rein in COVID-19, it’s important to remember that other potentially dangerous diseases continue to pose a threat, with one important difference — we have vaccinations for those diseases. At Forest Urgent Care, our team of health care experts is standing by to provide your family...
There are many steps you need to take when you apply for a change in your immigration status (applying for a green card), with the medical exam at the top of the list. To meet this requirement, your exam must be performed by a doctor (civil surgeon) who is authorized...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an economic upheaval the likes of which our generation hasn’t seen. As with most crises, where one door closes, another opens, which is certainly true of the new jobs in the delivery sector. As customers turn to online ordering and at-home deliveries of their supplies,...
As New York State begins to make tentative steps toward reopening, citizens are caught between feeling relief at regaining their freedom and anxiety as COVID-19 remains a clear-and-present threat. With a few precautionary steps, such as testing and personal protection practices, life can get back to a new normal. At...
After months of lockdown, New Yorkers will be taking their first steps toward regaining some normalcy as the state begins to open up. While certain areas of New York, including the metropolitan area, show signs of being on the other side of this peak of COVID-19 infections, it in no...
While thoughts of spring may fill your head, colds and flus are still in full force during these chilly months. If you develop a respiratory illness, figuring out which one you’re dealing with is important so that you can get the right treatment. At Forest Urgent Care in Forest Hills,...
COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind. Unfortunately, that also means there are lots of myths and misinformation circulating about this novel coronavirus, too. The professionals at Forest Urgent Care in Forest Hills, NY, debunk the most common myths. So far, the most important steps you can take to reduce your risk...
You’ve enjoyed a life free from some very serious diseases, such as whooping cough and measles, thanks to the effectiveness of vaccinations you received as a child. As you enter your “senior” years — which means you’re over the age of 64 — now’s not the time to let your...
You diligently get your oil changed and ensure that your annual memberships are up to date each year, but don’t forget about your all-important health. In fact, think of your annual physical as re-upping your membership in good health. At Forest Urgent Care LIC and Forest Hills, New York, our...
Whether you’re traveling for business or taking your family on a holiday vacation, the last thing you want is for an injury or illness to derail your time away, especially if you’re traveling on foreign soil. While there’s no way to completely safeguard yourself, there are some great steps you...
Before the measles vaccine was first introduced in the United States in 1963, nearly all children contracted the disease by the time they reached 15, which led to 400-500 deaths annually. Fast forward to 2000, and measles was eliminated from our country, prompting health officials to declare victory. Unfortunately, the...
Nearly one-third of adults and 40% of children in the United States have allergies and almost 25 million Americans of all ages suffer from asthma. In as many as half of cases of asthma, allergies are also present, which means there’s considerable cross over between the two conditions. At Forest...
Depending upon the season, the flu can affect anywhere from 5-20% of the population in the United States, leading to more than 31 million visits to health care providers each year. At best, the flu involves a miserable week or two where you may be laid out flat. At its...
Experienced parents know to brace themselves as their children head back to school. Along with complaints about homework and exciting tales of new friends, children bring home a slew of different illnesses and viruses. School-age children, especially the littlest learners, tend to get sicker during the school year than during...
As the years go by, it seems as if your health concerns pile up at an unprecedented rate. Common colds are more commonly difficult as you get older, and a spill down the steps far more serious. To ensure that your health care needs are covered, it’s important that you...
Children and colds go hand in hand — kids suffer through as many as 12 colds a year if they’re in school and 6-10 even if they’re at home. And along with the coughing and congestion, sore throats are often part of the overall miserable package. While colds generally run...
While education efforts covering sexual health have ramped up over the last few decades, the sad truth is that half of all sexually active young men and women contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) by the age of 25 and that there are 20 million new cases each year. These...
After the cold, dark days of winter, spring’s arrival is usually a time to celebrate and get outdoors. But for the more than 25 million American adults and children who suffer from spring allergies, getting outdoors may mean sneezing, wheezing, and itchy, watery eyes. If you want to enjoy the...
Drivers of commercial vehicles are required by the U.S. Department of Transportation to pass a DOT physical exam every 24 months. Your timeline may be briefer if your exam shows worrisome trends that need routine monitoring, such as increased blood pressure. The exam is comprehensive, meaning that your physical health,...
The journey to establish your permanent residency in the United States can be a long and complicated one, but if you’re well-prepared, you can navigate these immigration waters more easily. If you’re applying for your green card or a change in your legal status, you need to complete the immigration...
You may already know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country. What you may not know is that in most cases heart disease is preventable. In fact, by implementing just five healthy lifestyle changes, many people decrease their risk in only a year. Here’s how:...